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Services for Men

Healthy Relationship Groups: CPD provides Psychoeducational Group Therapy, helping individuals at risk gain competency in the areas of emotional self-regulation, healthy relationships, and safe sexual decision-making. Strength-based interventions and positive support strategies are employed to facilitate trauma recovery and develop emotional resiliency. Socio-sexual concepts are presented and reinforced using a variety of modalities and curricula adapted to meet the unique needs of the population. Educational activities are designed to promote attitudes, knowledge, and skills that reinforce personal safety and healthy relationship dynamics. The therapeutic group setting provides opportunity for participants to process feelings, to problem-solve challenges, and to actively practice interpersonal skills among their peers.


Substance Abuse Treatment Groups: Participants will be screened using MAST or DAST. Treatment is provided in groups that meet at least one time per week and focus on the RPT model. Individual learn to identify biopsychosocial factors that contribute to their substance use/abuse, provide education to support development of coping strategies, and lifestyle changes to promote recovery. Referrals for medical intervention are also provided. A variety of educational modalities including but not limited to group therapy/education, modeling, peer support, sober recreation and life skill development experiences are used to support recovery. 


Trauma Group TherapyMen who have experienced a high level of trauma may have difficulty managing emotions and impulses, discerning appropriate partners and making safe decisions. Men with severe trauma histories receive support and develop coping strategies to address maladaptive behavior related to trauma. Facilitators trained in the treatment of trauma provide education and encourage peer support as individuals discuss current issues in their life and learn to identify and intervene in maladaptive behavior patterns.  


Sex Offender Treatment Groups: For men who have been convicted of a crime of a sexual nature, are on probation/parole and carry a diagnosed/suspected intellectual developmental disability and/or severe mental illness. Treatment adheres to the Risk-Need- Responsivity and Goodlives Model. Probation officers refer offenders to this program. Assessment tools used are SOTIPS, STATIC/STABLE/SAPROF-SO and/or ARMIDILLO-S. Program participants learn to identify offense patterns, coping strategies and make lifestyle changes to interrupt and intervene in offense patterns. CPD has a collaborative relationship with the Department of Corrections (DOC) and probation officers. Treatment is delivered via group therapy sessions and also incorporate individual sessions as needed and/or Community Based Sessions. 

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